DOZE is a company that strives to come up with high quality products that are inspired by unique creative individuals. It is a brand that believes in and promotes creativity. (Right now we have produced a series of limited edition t-shirts that was designed by DOZE’s co-founder, Crist Espiritu, a visual artist based in Manila.) Though DOZE is still young and at the moment concentrating purely in apparel, we hope to produce a more diverse selection of products in the future.
The DOZE Collective was started a couple of months after DOZE was founded. It can be viewed as the soul of the brand. The DOZE Collective is a platform where budding creative individuals could reach a broader audience. In the Collective, members are able to share their ideas with each other and collaborate on certain projects. Members of the DOZE Collective are handpicked individuals who we believe can inspire others to perpetually push forward in their own endeavors. They believe in DOZE’s vision of a creative and free thinking future. The DOZE Collective exists not for profit but for propagating inspiration.
One of the ways that DOZE promotes creativity is by featuring inspiring individuals in our site. We want the world to know the stories of creative individuals who are perpetually pushing forward with their visions. We wish to provoke critical thinking amongst the young and inspire them to pursue their own dreams.
One can think of DOZE as a sort of medium which chronicles the general psyche of today while keeping a watchful eye on the future. With the help of contemporary visual artists, musicians, designers and other creative individuals… doze aim to promote a certain level of critical thinking and creativity through well designed and all original products.
We are living in one of the most chaotic, exciting and significant era in human history… and we think that the stuff that you wear should say that exactly…